
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Dear Diary,
Hey jammers. Ever get scammed? Me too. Infact, everyone has! Let me tell you a little thing that can cheer you up from those memories, or right now. The items have exactly no rarity, and this is why people want more stuff in trades. The trades and how many have no value whatsoever.

The items are pixels. If you traded Rare Cloud, founders, and 2 rare spikes for a nm floor. Now that would look like an unfair trade t you, but really, it's not. I know, I'm just saying all trades are fair no matter what.

Scammers. They are greedy unfair people. Never send anything to them, unless you really know them in real life. All you scammers right here, can show yourself and give up. I know, it hurts to lost your favorite item jammers. I know it is a bad thing, but some of you are very greedy.

Need more info? Comment down below your questions or ideas.